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You are a people person. Your ability to energize and excite members of your team is second to none.
Volunteers make the event run smoothly and have a huge impact on your attendees experience!
Lets get your crew assigned and trained by following the checklist below:
Recruit volunteers a great source is Fraternities, Sororities, Clubs, Organizations, Churches, Your Charity Supporters, and Businesses. All volunteers must be 21 or older.
Work with chairs to develop a list of event specific jobs. Establish number of volunteers needed at each event component and time necessary for each task. Establish a volunteer schedule including shifts and days worked, providing snacks, and coordinate parking.
Establish a wardrobe to identify volunteers at your event. (ie.. both guys and girls can wear black pants/ white shirt and you provide the color coordinated bow ties) or create T-Shirts that can be sponsored!
Create Email list for communicating to your volunteers important event information such as load in and set up times, parking information, important contact information.
Set-Up assign and train volunteers for each event component:
• Decor
• Couture Re-Sale Shop merchandising
• Table of Ten
• Theme Tables
• Cocktail Tasting Stations
• Event signage
• Bag Check
• Re-Sale Shop check-outs
• Silent Auction
• Powder your nose bathroom
• Live Auction spotters
Train volunteers selling raffle tickets, assisting at Re-sale shop checkout, and event check-out on your payment processing systems and technology utilized.
Train registration, bag check, table of ten, silent auction, Fund-A Need, Re-sale shop check-out, Event Check-out processes, and live auction volunteers on their duties. Have one page descriptions of task breakdown for each assignment.
Make sure all volunteers know to come to you for direction or if issues arise.
Have volunteers positioned throughout the venue to assist attendees.

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