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Lucky Draw

This revenue enhancer is a snap.  If you purchased our Lucky Draw Package you simply receive your kit and follow the simple steps below and you are good to go.  If you are doing it yourself follow the guide for a successful outcome.  It is recommended that your work with your sponsorship chair and get the Lucky Draw Kit sponsored.  Your cost is $1000.  Seek out a $1500 sponsor and you are at a $500 profit for the start before any raffle ticket is sold.















If you purchased the "Lucky Draw Package"  follow these steps:   


  • Select three volunteers.  One will model the item, one will tear the top corner showing the face and number of the large card and hand it to the purchaser.    Lastly the third volunteer will accept payment.


  • You will determine the price you will ask for your ticket sales.


  • Place your sign at a distinctive place in the room and have other volunteers directing attendees towards your table. 


  • Once your 52 cards are sold the event component is closed.  A winner is drawn and announced during the program.



******Note:  If you are doing it yourself you must first acquire a high end item one valued over$500.  (We suggest an overnight stay, designer item, or anything that will entice your attendees to buy a chance,  In addition you will need to purchase a deck of playing cards )  all other instructions are the same.



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